
FileDescriptor extends DescriptorAbstract implements FileInterface, Stringable

Represents a file in the project.

This class contains all structural elements of the file it represents. In most modern projects a file will contain a single element like a Class, Interface or Trait, sometimes multiple functions. Depending on the config settings of the parsed project it might include all source code from the file in the project.

Table of Contents


Describes the public interface for a description of a File.


$classes  : Collection<string|int, ClassInterface>
$constants  : Collection<string|int, ConstantInterface>
$description  : DescriptionDescriptor|null
$endLocation  : Location|null
$errors  : Collection<string|int, Error>
$fileDescriptor  : FileInterface|null
$fqsen  : Fqsen|null
$functions  : Collection<string|int, FunctionInterface>
$hash  : string
$includes  : Collection<string|int, string>
$inheritedElement  : ElementInterface|string|Fqsen|null
$interfaces  : Collection<string|int, InterfaceInterface>
$line  : int
$markers  : Collection<string|int, array<int|string, mixed>>
$name  : string
$namespace  : NamespaceInterface|string
$namespaceAliases  : Collection<string|int, NamespaceInterface|Fqsen>
$package  : PackageInterface|string
$path  : string
$source  : string|null
$startLocation  : Location|null
$summary  : string
$tags  : Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>>
$traits  : Collection<string|int, TraitInterface>
$enums  : Collection<string|int, EnumInterface>
$metadata  : array<string|int, Metadata>


__call()  : Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>|null
Dynamically constructs a set of getters to retrieve tag (collections) with.
__construct()  : mixed
Initializes a new file descriptor with the given hash of its contents.
__toString()  : string
Represents this object by its unique identifier, the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name.
getAllErrors()  : Collection<string|int, Error>
Returns a list of all errors in this file and all its child elements.
getAuthor()  : Collection<string|int, AuthorDescriptor>
getClasses()  : Collection<string|int, ClassInterface>
Returns a list of class descriptors contained in this file.
getConstants()  : Collection<string|int, ConstantInterface>
Returns a list of constant descriptors contained in this file.
getCopyright()  : Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>
Returns the copyrights for this element.
getDeprecations()  : array<string|int, Deprecation>
getDescription()  : DescriptionDescriptor
Returns the description for this element.
getEndLocation()  : Location|null
Returns the end location where the definition for this element can be found.
getEnums()  : Collection<string|int, EnumInterface>
getErrors()  : Collection<string|int, Error>
Returns all errors that occur in this element.
getFile()  : FileInterface|null
Returns the file in which this element resides or null in case the element is not bound to a file.
getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName()  : Fqsen|null
Returns the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name (FQSEN) for this element.
getFunctions()  : Collection<string|int, FunctionInterface>
Returns a list of function descriptors contained in this file.
getHash()  : string
Returns the hash of the contents for this file.
getIncludes()  : Collection<string|int, string>
Returns a list of all includes that have been declared in this file.
getInheritedElement()  : ElementInterface|string|Fqsen|null
Returns the element from which this element inherits, or null if it doesn't inherit any information.
getInterfaces()  : Collection<string|int, InterfaceInterface>
Returns a list of interface descriptors contained in this file.
getLine()  : int
Returns the line number where the definition for this element can be found.
getMarkers()  : Collection<string|int, array<int|string, mixed>>
Returns a series of markers contained in this file.
getMetadata()  : array<string|int, Metadata>
getName()  : string
Returns the name for this element.
getNamespace()  : NamespaceInterface|string
Returns the namespace for this element (defaults to global "\")
getNamespaceAliases()  : Collection<string|int, NamespaceInterface|Fqsen>
Returns the namespace aliases that have been defined in this file.
getPackage()  : PackageInterface|null
Returns the package name for this element.
getPath()  : string
Returns the relative file path.
getSource()  : string|null
Retrieves the contents of this file.
getStartLocation()  : Location|null
Returns the start location where the definition for this element can be found.
getSummary()  : string
Returns the summary which describes this element.
getTags()  : Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>>
Returns the tags associated with this element.
getTraits()  : Collection<string|int, TraitInterface>
Returns a list of trait descriptors contained in this file.
getVersion()  : Collection<string|int, VersionDescriptor>
Returns the versions for this element.
isDeprecated()  : bool
Checks whether this element is deprecated.
setDescription()  : void
Sets a description or none to inherit from a parent.
setMetadata()  : void
setHash()  : void
Sets the hash of the contents for this file.
createDescription()  : Description
isDeprecatedByAttribute()  : bool
isDeprecatedByTag()  : bool



protected Location|null $endLocation = null


protected FileInterface|null $fileDescriptor = null

The file to which this element belongs; if applicable


protected Fqsen|null $fqsen = null

Fully Qualified Structural Element Name; the FQCN including method, property or constant name


protected ElementInterface|string|Fqsen|null $inheritedElement = null

the element from which to inherit information in this element


protected int $line = 0

The line number on which this element occurs.


protected Location|null $startLocation = null


protected string $summary = ''

A summary describing the function of this element in short.


private array<string|int, Metadata> $metadata = []



Dynamically constructs a set of getters to retrieve tag (collections) with.

public __call(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $arguments) : Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>|null

Important: __call() is not a fast method of access; it is preferred to directly use the getTags() collection. This interface is provided to allow for uniform and easy access to certain tags.

$name : string
$arguments : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>|null


Initializes a new file descriptor with the given hash of its contents.

public __construct(string $hash) : mixed
$hash : string

An MD5 hash of the contents if this file.


Represents this object by its unique identifier, the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name.

public __toString() : string
Return values


Returns a list of all errors in this file and all its child elements.

public getAllErrors() : Collection<string|int, Error>

All errors from structural elements in the file are collected to the deepest level.

Return values
Collection<string|int, Error>


Returns the end location where the definition for this element can be found.

public getEndLocation() : Location|null
Return values


Returns the file in which this element resides or null in case the element is not bound to a file.

public getFile() : FileInterface|null


Return values


Returns the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name (FQSEN) for this element.

public getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName() : Fqsen|null
Return values


Returns the hash of the contents for this file.

public getHash() : string
Return values


Returns a list of all includes that have been declared in this file.

public getIncludes() : Collection<string|int, string>
Return values
Collection<string|int, string>


Returns the element from which this element inherits, or null if it doesn't inherit any information.

public getInheritedElement() : ElementInterface|string|Fqsen|null

This method is usually overridden in consuming classes with the determination how that class should resolve inheritance. This is a placeholder function for those classes who need a simple way to provide inheritance.

Return values


Returns the line number where the definition for this element can be found.

public getLine() : int

use getStartLocation()->getLineNumber() instead

Return values


Returns a series of markers contained in this file.

public getMarkers() : Collection<string|int, array<int|string, mixed>>

A marker is a special inline comment that starts with a keyword and is followed by a single line description.


// TODO: This is an item that needs to be done.
Return values
Collection<string|int, array<int|string, mixed>>


public getMetadata() : array<string|int, Metadata>
Return values
array<string|int, Metadata>


Returns the name for this element.

public getName() : string
Return values


Returns the namespace aliases that have been defined in this file.

public getNamespaceAliases() : Collection<string|int, NamespaceInterface|Fqsen>

A namespace alias can either be a full descriptor of the namespace or just a Fqsen when the namespace was not part of the processed code. When it is a NamespaceDescriptor it will contain all structural elements in the namespace not just the once in this particlar file.

Return values
Collection<string|int, NamespaceInterface|Fqsen>


Returns the relative file path.

public getPath() : string

The path is a relative to the source file based on the dsn of the config.

Return values


Retrieves the contents of this file.

public getSource() : string|null

When source is included in parsing process this property will contain the raw file contents.

Return values


Returns the start location where the definition for this element can be found.

public getStartLocation() : Location|null
Return values


Returns the summary which describes this element.

public getSummary() : string

This method will automatically attempt to inherit the parent's summary if this one has none.

Return values


Checks whether this element is deprecated.

public isDeprecated() : bool
Return values


public setMetadata(array<string|int, Metadata$metadata) : void
$metadata : array<string|int, Metadata>


Sets the hash of the contents for this file.

protected setHash(string $hash) : void
$hash : string


private createDescription(string|null $param) : Description
$param : string|null
Return values


private isDeprecatedByAttribute() : bool

AttributedInterface $this


AttributedInterface $this`[

Return values


private isDeprecatedByTag() : bool
Return values

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