
ApiSetDescriptor extends DocumentationSetDescriptor uses HasPackage, HasNamespace


Table of Contents


$description  : DescriptionDescriptor|null
$name  : string
$namespace  : NamespaceInterface|string
$outputLocation  : string
$package  : PackageInterface|string
$source  : Source
$apiSpecification  : ApiSpecification
$files  : Collection<string|int, FileInterface>
$indexes  : Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, ElementInterface>>
$tocs  : Collection<string|int, TocDescriptor>


__construct()  : mixed
addTableOfContents()  : void
findElement()  : ElementInterface|null
Finds a structural element with the given FQSEN in this Documentation Set, or returns null when it could not be found.
getDescription()  : DescriptionDescriptor
Returns the description for this element.
getFiles()  : Collection<string|int, FileInterface>
Returns the list of files that is in this documentation set.
getIndex()  : Collection<string|int, ElementInterface>
Returns an index with the given name.
getIndexes()  : Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, ElementInterface>>
Returns all indexes in this documentation set.
getName()  : string
Returns the name for this element.
getNamespace()  : NamespaceInterface|string
Returns the namespace for this element (defaults to global "\")
getOutputLocation()  : string
getPackage()  : PackageInterface|null
Returns the package name for this element.
getSettings()  : ApiSpecification
getSource()  : Source
Returns the source location for this set of documentation.
getTableOfContents()  : Collection<string|int, TocDescriptor>
setDescription()  : void
Sets a description or none to inherit from a parent.
setFiles()  : void
Sets the list of files that is in this documentation set.
setIndexes()  : void
Sets all indexes for this documentation set.




Finds a structural element with the given FQSEN in this Documentation Set, or returns null when it could not be found.

public findElement(Fqsen $fqsen) : ElementInterface|null
$fqsen : Fqsen
Return values


Returns the name for this element.

public getName() : string
Return values


Returns the source location for this set of documentation.

public getSource() : Source

should the source location be included in a Descriptor? This couples it to the file system upon which it was ran and makes it uncacheable. But should this be cached? In any case, I need it for the RenderGuide writer at the moment; so refactor this once that becomes clearer.

Return values


Sets all indexes for this documentation set.

public setIndexes(Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, ElementInterface>> $indexes) : void

An index is a compilation of references to elements, usually constructed in a compiler step, that aids template generation by providing a conveniently assembled list. An example of such an index is the 'marker' index where a list of TODOs and FIXMEs are located in a central location for reporting.

$indexes : Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, ElementInterface>>

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